Jacob Zuma’s baby mama leaves Mzansi blown away with her recent pictures

Nonkanyiso Conco was born on the 18th of December 1991 in Durban, KwaZulu-Natal. The majority of people are familiar with her as one of Jacob Zuma’s baby mamas. Unfortunately, the Former President and Nonkanyisco were unable to reconcile. She was engaged to the former President, but the relationship ended in late 2019. She is a young woman who looks stunning in everything she wears.She dresses maturely, and her fans adore her for it. She most emphatically does not dress like a person approaching the age of 30, which is 29 this year. She has an age-appropriate sense of style and looks stunning in everything she wears. Additionally, she is passionate about maintaining Zulu traditions.

Nonkanyiso Conco, former President Jacob Zuma’s ex-fiancĂ©e, has once again become the talk of the town after a ‘truth or dare’ game in which she was forced to answer questions about her attraction to Duduzane Zuma.

LaConco, who had previously stated that she would avoid any topic involving the Zumas, responded quickly to the tricky question with “definitely not” and then explained that as a woman, she has a certain type of men she prefers and Duduzne was not one of them.

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