IZangoma Zodumo: Dr Maweni has her in-laws pay her a special visit

Doctor Maweni has been the centre of all the drama this season. This is because she has had the most issues in her relationship with Sabelo and has been vocal about them. But in the latest episode, he had brought his uncles from home to make things official.





“Abakhongi” is an isiZulu word that refers to the uncles of the grooms family sent to pay lobola and build a relationship with the bride-to-be’s family. This is what we saw on the show this week. Sabelo drove all the way to KZN to fetch his uncles in order for the traditional proceeding to commence.

An early morning lobola negotiation
I loved getting to see his uncle call out the clan names of the Mofokeng’s over and over, waiting for them to let them in. It’s a part of the lobola process that is most funny. Cause if it isna mean family they could have stood there for hours until they were ready to be received.

Once Maweni got wind of their loud greetings, a huge smile stretched across her face. It surprised me. I thought to myself, surely, with their relationship on the rocks like it was, she would be more hesitant but she wasn’t it just goes to show that we never truly know the inner workings of someones mind.

Maweni was paid brideprice for but in the end the went looking for a cow she had only seen in her dreams. A quest she ended up fulfilling. It wasnt sullied by the list for “umabo” that Sabelo’s family requested. It was a ridiculously long list; a needless hurdle in the road to marriage that unfortunately they’ll have to cross.

Final thoughts
I’m not sure that this is the right move for Maweni. Her relationship with her fiancee and now husband, is frayed. She is often triggered by small insignificant problems. If that is happening often, what will their marriage look like?

Maybe they’ll be able to work on it but if she thinks sticking on a marriage stamp will make him faithful then she is sorely mistaken.