“It’s never too late to chase your dreams.” Madala recording in the studio leaves many in stitches.

Do you have dreams that are being put on the back burner because you think time is running out, or that you aren’t experienced enough? If so, it’s time to drop these excuses. When it comes to success, age should never be a limiting factor, but unfortunately a lot of people think it is. So much so, that it holds people back from even starting.

One elderly gentleman has proved that age cannot limit you from chasing your dreams after his video went viral of him recording a song in the studio.




Many people were left in stitches obviously from the hilarious manner in which he was trying to tune his voice, but on a serious note though this video sends a profound messages of not giving up on your dreams.

You can check out the video via this link below.

No matter what your age is, it is never too late to pursue your dreams. Age is literally just a number. It all comes down to your mindset. I

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