‘It’s giving Gwede’: Mihlali Ndamase’s new body

South African influencer Mihlali Ndamase has been keeping away from the limelight and hasn’t gotten into any drama over the last couple of months. Despite this, she has found herself trending on Twitter after sharing a video of herself working out in the gym.



The clip appears to have aroused many suspicions around whether or not she has gone under the knife to enhance her already curvaceous body. Some have even gone as far as to troll her over the way she looks.MIHLALI’S BODY ONCE AGAIN UNDER SCRUTINY
The past few months have been pretty chilled for local influencer Mihlali who has done a good job at staying away from negative news headlines.

The award-winning content creator has kept things pretty lowkey but once again finds herself trending online as locals discuss her body.Many appear to be under the impression that she has joined the BBL gang after she showed up in public with significant gains in some parts of her physique.

A new video of the 26-year-old getting in her daily dose of exercise seems to have solidified these assumptions.

Notorious Twitter troll Chris Excel shared then and now photos of the star welcoming even more comments from app users who don’t appear to like this new Mihlali.