It is another baby girl for Kora Obidi and Michael. They just received their second bundle of joy.

There is nothing cute than seeing your baby for the very first time. You spend nine months imagining how he or she will look like and when they arrive the feeling is unmatched.

Kora Obidi, the Nigerian dancer, singer and social media celebrity, together with her husband Michael have just welcomed another baby girl.

Their first born is a girl and now they have two. I am sure the father was secretly hoping for a son as it is usually the case with men, but he is happy with another addition to the family.

Kora was born in Nigeria but currently lives with her husband Michael in Miami California, in the United States of America.

She is an excellent dancer, her Instagram and Facebook timeliness are filled with videos of her signature dance moves.

Despite being married to a white man Kora Obidi has never forgotten her roots. She is still a true Nigerian at heart.