It ended up in tears between Ona and Soka his boyfriend

Ona was dating Soka when she told his dad Funani that Soka is struggling to get job. Remember he was a qualified accountant but nothing came up to support her grandmother who was telling herself that once my granson got a job she will be okay. One day Funani invited Soka to a dinner at house of zwide, he mentioned that Ona told him that he is struggling to get a job. Funani offered him a job on the basis that he is dating her daughter Ona. Everything went well to Soka with Ona, he got his first payment and sent money to her grandmother.

Funani did like Soka on the basis that he is humble and also he was dating her daughter. He even told Soka that if he hurt her daughter it will break loose. Soka promised him that he will never hurt her also he is very much in love with her. Soka used to take her towards and from work, but things started to differ when Ona was working with Neo. Neo looked at her and he loved her behind Soka knowing. He used to download music and offer to Ona, she played them in Soka’s car. He asked where did you get this kind of music but she didn’t tell him until Sandile his colleague and Pearl the PA took a video while Ona and Neo were hugging each other, that piss off Sandile and told Neo that he see what is trying to do so he must stop because Ona is in a relationship with Soka. He did not listen even took out Ona and Ona lied to Soka that he must not fetch her they working late.








Sandile decided to tell Soka that Ona is cheating on him but he didn’t believe until Sandile showed him the video hugging each at work. Soka asked Ona about it but she decided to lie to him and tell him that she was hugging him because she was comforting Neo after he told him about his dad who was not responsible to them while he needed him. Both Ona and Neo were having feelings about each other but Ona asked Neo to be professional at work. Sandile took the video and show Soka, he confronted Neo and there was fight at work.