IsencaneLengane: “Thando is not your slave”, Siyacela Was Told Where To Get Off

Now, the show is really getting interesting and we are starting to see some dynamics that we have never seen before, Thando and Siyacela are new parents and so much has changed.

Another thing that the viewers might have noticed is the sudden interest from Thando’s parents to be part of her life.





But this should not be interpreted as something that is actually happening because things might not be as they seem, Thando’s mom has probably done all she could to be there for her daughter.

However, the viewers will never know everything, the only thing that they know is what they see on the show, they see a mother who is never really there for her daughter.

It was on the latest episode that we got to understand something very important, Thando barely reaches out to her mother, she would rather ask strangers for help than to go to her mother.

It turns out that Thando did not tell her mother when she was about to give birth.

Basically, her mother was in the dark the whole time, she probably knew about some things that were happening in Thando’s life by watching the show, which is unfortunate.

Thando does not even call her mother, her mother tried calling her, but she could not get through to her because Siyacela was the one who was using Thando’s phone.

We know that there is so much that is expected of Thando, especially now that her parents are doing all that they can to be closer to her and maybe she is capable enough to bring the people she really cares about together.

When Siyacela was confronted about the phone issue, he did not even show interest to have a conversation with Thando’s mother. Within a minute or so of being in the same space, they were already having a heated exchange.

Siyacela said some inappropriate words to Thando’s mother and one could tell that he did not even care about how she was feeling.

And there were mixed reactions concerning this, some people mentioned that Thando’s mother should start respecting Siyacela’s marriage.

Some felt like she cannot just barge in and demand answers and this makes sense in a way, but there are also people who mentioned that Siyacela was very disrespectful, given the fact that this was his wife’s mother he was having a back and forth with.

From the look of things, the problems between Siyacela and Thando’s mother will need them to reach some sort of an understanding if ever they wish to work things out for the sake of Thando.

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