Is Romeo from Scandal just missing or has he seen his Fate at the hands of Mamba?

Romeo Modupe who’s played by Hungani Ndlovu has gone missing and his wife Xolile, played by Sivenathi Mabuye is busy searching for him but with no luck.

Romeo dissapered after his mother’s wedding to his half-brother, Simo. Romeo told Xolile that he’s going to confront Mamba on what he’s planning with Simo as he doesn’t trust the two. Mamba is Simo’s boss and Voila’s husband. Voila and Simo protrayed themselves as brother and sister to everyone so that they can be able to scam Grace who’s Romeo’s mother off her Hotel and millions of rands.

However, the two, Simo and Voila are actually lovers and are just using Grace to get what they want and if you’re wondering, yes Voila is definitely cheating on her husband, Mamba. Simo played his cards right and ended up proposing to Grace who agreed to the proposal and are now married.

Romeo was not impressed with this at all as he knows Simo’s true intentions with his mother and has tried numorious types to separate the two but has not been sucessful at all.

Romeo doesn’t support this at all to a point were he caused a scene at his mother’s wedding and confronted everyone but once again he didn’t successed and this just made him look like he’s crazy.

Now that the newly weds, Grace and Simo are back from their honeymoon, Xolile is asking for help from them especially Grace but Grace believes that Romeo is up to his foolish games once again.

Simo is not willing to help and now it seems like he’s supported by Grace in his decision.

Yesterday, Xolile spoke to Lerumo who is a Police Officer for assistance but Lerumo couldn’t help her as she’s still in contact with Romeo via messages and doesn’t seem like he’s missing. Lerumo believes that Romeo is just taking some time to cool off as he’s been through a lot of stuff in terms of the relationship between his mother and Simo.

However, Xolile and myself included think that something happened to Romeo and we both suspect Mamba to be behind his disappearance. Xolile is even asking her mother, Boniswa to help her find Romeo. She asked that he mother try to infiltrate herself in Mamba’s house so she can be able to get some scoop on Romeo’s whereabouts.

To see whether Romeo does get found and if Mamba is really behind his disappearance, you can watch ETV’S Scandal on DSTV Channel 194, Monday to Friday at 19:30