Is Operation Dudula being tribalistic or they are seeking law and order?

Some South Africans believes that Nhlanhla Lux Dlamini has moved from being xenophobic to being tribalistic after his video has been circulating in which he stated that there is a Police station in Soweto which only employs Tsonga and Venda people hence it is called Giyani Police station.




Dr Mbuyiseni Ndlozi tweeted “Whenever Nhlanhla Lux comes on TV screens he seems to just be driving divisions between black people. If he’s not dividing Pro EFF and Pro Dudula people it’s African Migrants and South African citizens. I haven’t seen an instant where he is pointing a finger at white people”

“I’m Tsonga, I have been living in Gauteng since 2006. I laugh when I see people suggesting that tribalism against Tsonga and Venda people is as a result of operation Dudula. It has always been here and most of you know it, it’s just that it didn’t serve your political agenda then” Hlulekani Baloi tweeted.

Operation Dudula leader Nhlanhla had this to say “Where was dudula when Amaxhosa complained about they are painted as a tribe who love money?Where was dudula when AmaZulu where stereotyped as Uneducated fools? Stop painting dudula as a movement that divides Africans just because they want law and order!”