In Pictures: Meet Gaddafi’s beautiful wife in real life

Of course, actor Vuyo Dabula is a total hunk. He has developed into one of the most likable villains in Hollywood. On Generations:The Legacy, we know him as Kumkani Phakhade, aka Gadaffi, the masked dictator.






Three Generations of Gadaffi

Vuyo Dabula, a former star of Generations: the Legacy, is a cruel man with a troubled past who constantly tries to outdo others. Since the award-winning actor has played the role of Gaddafi so often, many of his fans now refer to him simply as “Gaddafi” whenever he appears on screen. We can all agree that he is the archetype of the person we love to hate. Vuyo Dabula is a crowd pleaser, so you can expect to see him on the menu often.

Private and reticent, Vuyo Dabula is a man few people get to know. He is rumored to be married and the father of a son named Kitso, who is six years old. His personal life, including his family, is kept under wraps. There have been hints, however, that he has a happy marriage and is the proud father of an incredibly bright son.

The actor is very married despite his public silence about his marital status on social media.

Gaddafi’s Actor Wife Has Been in the Family for Generations

He doesn’t post daily updates about his romantic life on Instagram, but he does occasionally share snippets.

Vuyo and his wife raised a son. Kitso is the boy’s name. The boy will be six years old in 2021, according to published reports. From what Mzansi can tell, Dabula is a doting father to his son. However, he and his family prefer to remain anonymous. In a past interview, Dabula gushed about his son Kitso, describing how his intelligence and accomplishments as a father make him incredibly proud.

He gushed, “It makes me so happy to think that I was responsible for raising a boy as bright as Kitso. People who are secure in who they are and who maintain a healthy sense of humility are usually good people, and I want that for him. He also needs to respect himself, because that will lead to so many good things happening for him.

Fans were shocked a few months ago to learn that Vuyu Dabula was leaving the show, which meant the end of Gadaffi nights during the week.

The actor said he always knew he would leave the role of Gadaffi and never considered it permanent. At first, Vuyo Dabula wasn’t sure he wanted to be a part of the soap. He claims that he realized he wasn’t going to last long on the soap because he was aware of the gap between the kind of performances he liked and the styles that were needed by the soapie. Calmly or not, he would have to take this calculated step.

Vuyu Dabula admitted that he was going to miss his role as Gadaffi on Generations, which gave him a lot of exposure. Dabula is also well-known as a model, having modeled for numerous companies in South Africa. He is well-known for his work as a fitness trainer and bodybuilder.