Imani from Muvhango left uMzansi speechless after posting these pictures

Siziwe Ntombizonke Mchunu who best known as Zonke Mchunu is a popular Mzansi actress who’s mostly famous on Muvhango as Imani Nkosi.

She’s also an dancer, Zonke was born in Kwa Zulu Natal province in Stanger Kwa Maphumulo. But currently she’s living in Johannesburg, Centurion.

Zonke Mchunu is currently 27 years old, she was born on October 12th on 1993. She have four older sisters and one brother, Zonke stated her mother was a cleaner at her former school.

Zonke Mchunu attended Berea Tech and study for Civil Engineering and later went to Durban University of Technology(DUT).

At DUT she studied for drama and theatre. On her successful career she has appeared in some of greats Mzansi shows such as Uzalo as extra character.

Check out amazing pictures of Zonke Mchunu from Muvhango in her real life.

She’s one of the most beautiful dark beauty in Mzansi. Here are photos: