Lionel Richie the renowned artist and Lisa Parigi who is a model begun dating in 2014 when she was 23 years of age and he was 63. The couple’s look acceptable together obviously they have confronted a few decisions from the public due to their age distinction.
Lionel Richie is worth about $200 million, so he is definitely not a normal 70 year elderly person. He is rich and well known, I’m certain that means something.
Lets be realistic he likewise doesn’t search awful for his age, since the couple began dating in 2014 it implies they share something for all intents and purpose and they love getting to know each other
Lisa Parigi experienced childhood in Switzerland and she can communicate in four dialects easily. She can communicate in German, French, Schwiizertüütsch” (Swiss German) and English since she experienced childhood in a multilingual local area.