” If you know this person tell him to stop harassing me. I don’t feel safe”- South African musician

South African craftsman and entertainer Ntsiki Mazwai is intriguing to general society to help her with her stalker. Ntsiki says the man was bullying her at the club the past evening and the security expected to intercede.



They gave him an exhortation and he tracked down a spot not even close to her and started yelling and shouting at her . She says she doesn’t have a genuine feeling of safety. By and by the man is sending her messages on twitter.

“This individual was from a genuine perspective following me at the club. We expected to get bouncers to dispense with him from the club. He was acting an in a crazy psycho stalker way. As of now he is on my online diversion. The police won’t take the case real, but this is critical. Whenever we talk, you excuse it, then, at that point, we get killed. This individual was following me the whole evening and he was acting unhinged at ragga nights where security expected to go with him out in light of the fact that he was bullying me straightforwardly. I don’t have a strong feeling of consolation.” She said.