If you guys really care about me I can’t fight this battle alone…I do not have money to pay for lawyers” – Zahara

Zahara’s situation is not life threatening, she should go back home than begging for donations”If you guys really care about me I can’t fight this battle alone…I do not have money to pay for lawyers” – Zahara





Only if we can come to a point of understanding that celebrities are human beings like us there is so much happening in people’s lives, the difference is they don’t get to be aired on social media what is happening to Zahara, other people are also not exempted to it let us stop this culture of laughing at one another, ow does Zahara’s downfall going to be a gain in those who are laughing. Guys, problems are at people’s doorsteps, have some sympathy this matter with Zahara emanate from her hometown in East London her brother fell by the gun and later on her sister and this gremlin is slowly closing in on her, I feel that her name has been mentioned more than once in local covens truth be spoken or we must forever hold our peace, but our celebrities need to stop this fancy fancy life because being a celebrity does not mean the money will be flowing for the rest of yor lifeCan I ask if she had been supporting any charities, donating to poor developing schools and changes made to her hometown no guys, this sounds like emotional blackmail to the nation she sounds like that one friend who always thinks of you only when she is in need of something, but when the life is good she forgets about one’s existence. She must show us proof of the charities that she was supporting when she was at her highest and we as Mzansi will contribute R10 each, and help her out otherwise she must just forget. And why doesn’t she move back home and rent out her house and use the rent money to pay her bond or loan installments, that way she will be able to save her house she can always move back once she is back on her feetMe, myself and I must buy your music, buy tickets for your shows then be expected to stream then bail you out after losing all my money that I should have put away for my children’s education, many, I mean plenty of people have lost everything the trick is to identify your mistakes, stop blaming other people and get up, dust yourself and start from zero you are not the first as long as you are still breathing just know that you can do it. We have been doing without anyone’s help learn to save, build, invest and you will be alright