Idols SA season 11 winner Karabo Mogane got married see their beautiful pictures

He took on the grand prize at the Idols SA Season 11, with his beautiful sensation voice, his name is Karabo Mogane. Now it seems the man is off the market, sorry ladies, he is now married and he has shared some beautiful pictures of their wedding with his fans and followers.




According to Zalebs media publication, it has been reported that Idols SA winner Karabo Mogane, recently took to social media to share that is officially off the market. The singer shared some beautiful pictures of him and his beautiful wife Sinesipho Mbandazayo, all social media, on their wedding day.

According to social media, here is a screenshot of the pictures that the singer shared on his social media page on Instagram. According to my opinion, it was and looks like it was a very great moment for the two of them.

According to the caption on the pictures, the date shows that the two tied the knot in March in a private wedding ceremony. But it seems like they have decided to share their beautiful pictures of the big day with their fans and followers.

Few months ago, the singer shared a picture showing him on one knee whereby it looked like he was popping the question to a teary Sine. Talking to TshissLive, Karabo said that he started with the lobola negotiations then came the big moment of proposing to his beautiful wife.

“There was the first of lobola, which happened last year in December. This recent event was actually the second round and final stage of paying lobola for her. I have a family if I could go forward with the rain after I have done right by the family. I could have proposed in private when it was just the two of us but doing it there in front of both our families made it even more meaningful, I think,” said Karabo.

“It was a perfect moment to do it because our families and friends and everyone we care about were there. She didn’t know I was going to propose with a ring so, it was a special moment,” further said Karabo.

There you have it ladies, you heard it from the horse’s mouth talking to TshisaLive about how it went down. He’s now a married man.