I see no reason why Musa Mseleku should take the fifth wife see why I say so

Musa Mseleku of Thando Nes’Thembu is a man with four wives who identified himself as a man who said that the reason he got polygamous was that he wanted 20 children.
That is why he decided to marry in polygamist and that he had ten children instead of 20 now he had 10 kids.

He explained that he wanted to increase Mseleku’s surname and that is why he took four wives.

Right now he has a wife who can’t get children to make him take numbe 5 wife.

But if he says he wants to more children because wife number 3 can bear her own children I think tjis doesn’t make any difference because she can’t have her own children.

There is no reason for Musa Mseleku to take wife numbered 5 because there is a lot of people here and if he wants what he wants he should look at this level and see how likely he is to have boys when he will see that the number 5may also have daughters only to say he will.

Which means he will be so disappointed because he is the one who have the seed of bear girls children.