I know nothing about those pictures: Sane denies pictures of Annie’s husband

The highly anticipated season three reunion of The Real Housewives of Durban has concluded, leaving viewers buzzing with excitement and controversy. One particular cast member, former journalist and chef Sanelisiwe Bhengu, known as Sane, has emerged as the center of attention for airing her fellow contestants’ dirty laundry. However, in an exclusive interview with the media Sane clarifies that she and Annie Ludick-Mthembu, another cast member, are actually on good terms.




Throughout the season, Sane made insinuations about Annie’s rise to success, suggesting that she had used her personal relationships to get ahead. Tabloid reports further fueled the drama by exposing allegations of infidelity on the part of Annie’s husband, including claims of an impending extramarital child. However, during the reunion, Annie vehemently denied any issues within her marriage and affirmed that she and her husband, Kgolo Mthembu, were in a good place. Sane, realizing the impact of her words, took the opportunity to apologize to Annie for the “mean things” she had said. Unfortunately, her apology was not well received by Annie.


Adding fuel to the fire, scandalous images of Kgolo and a mystery woman have recently surfaced online. One image shows Kgolo in a car with the woman, while another appears to be a screenshot of a video call between the two. Speculation quickly arose, suggesting that Sane might be responsible for leaking these compromising photos. However, in her conversation with ZiMoja, Sane vehemently denies any involvement in the release of the images. She maintains that the pictures merely depict two individuals engaging in a video call inside a car, and she claims to have seen them for the first time during the interview.


Sane takes the opportunity to set the record straight regarding her relationship with Annie. Despite the on-screen drama, she asserts that she and Annie have always had a good rapport and that their current dynamic remains unchanged. They maintain regular communication, and Sane emphasizes that the portrayal of their interactions on television is beyond her control. She concludes by affirming that she and Annie are in a genuinely positive place.

The Real Housewives of Durban’s season three reunion has undeniably delivered its fair share of drama and revelations. As fans eagerly await further updates, Sane’s denial of involvement in the leaked photos and her affirmation of her amicable relationship with Annie add an intriguing twist to the ongoing narrative.