I had no choice but to take the life of my husband and father to my 5 children

In this compelling and heart-wrenching story, we delve into the life of Robina, a woman who found herself trapped in an abusive relationship that forced her to make an unimaginable choice. Through her journey of struggle, pain, and ultimately redemption, we gain insight into the overwhelming challenges she faced and the remarkable strength she found within herself. Robina’s story serves as a reminder that even in the darkest of times, there is always hope for a brighter future.


A Glimpse into Hell: Transformation of an Abusive Husband

At first, Robina’s husband appeared to be a well-behaved and caring partner. However, over time, an alarming change took place within him, as he started displaying increasingly aggressive behavior. The physical violence he inflicted upon Robina left not only visible scars on her body but also deep wounds in her heart. The once-loving man she had married had become an embodiment of terror and pain.

To exacerbate Robina’s torment, her husband engaged in reckless behavior, selling their properties and squandering the money on his insatiable thirst for alcohol. Meanwhile, Robina and her innocent children were left to suffer in a home devoid of basic necessities, struggling to survive each passing day. Her husband’s transformation into a monster had cast a suffocating cloud over their lives, forcing Robina into the depths of despair.

The Breaking Point: A Fight for Survival

The breaking point finally arrived when Robina’s husband, consumed by his rage, made a chilling attempt to end her life. Cornered and filled with fear, she summoned every ounce of strength within her. In a desperate act of self-defense, Robina fought back, unintentionally bringing about her husband’s demise. What was once a sanctuary, their home had become a battlefield of life and death.

Overwhelmed by a whirlwind of emotions, fear, and guilt, Robina made the difficult decision to flee. With no certainty of what lay ahead, she embarked on a journey of uncertainty, clinging to the hope that she would find solace and a chance at rebuilding her life.

Imprisonment: The Harrowing Consequences and Struggle for Survival

Unfortunately, Robina’s struggles were far from over. Trapped in a system that seemingly perpetuated her pain, she found herself facing incarceration while carrying the precious gift of life within her – her fifth child. Life behind bars was a harsh reality that presented unimaginable challenges, compounded further by her battle with an advanced form of breast cancer.

However, amidst the darkness, a flicker of hope emerged. Robina’s unyielding faith and her unwavering prayers for assistance bore fruit when her punishment was ultimately reduced to 24 years. It was a miracle that provided her with a glimmer of hope, propelling her forward in her pursuit of redemption.

Embracing Freedom: A High Price to Pay

After an agonizing 16 years spent behind bars, Robina was finally granted her freedom. However, the taste of liberation was tinged with bitterness. Robina found herself cast adrift, abandoned by her beloved children and rejected by a society that feared her due to her past. Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, she faced the daunting challenge of rebuilding her life from scratch.

The Birth of Hope: The Givinglive.com Initiative

Recognizing the immense struggles faced by Robina and her desperate need for support, the givinglive.com initiative stepped forward to offer a helping hand. This special program was created with the aim of raising awareness about Robina’s arduous journey and providing much-needed assistance to help her regain her self-respect and create a brighter future.

Through the generosity and compassion of others, Robina now has the chance to break free from the shackles of her past, as the givinglive.com initiative provides her with the tools and resources she needs to rebuild her life. Together, through collective support and understanding, we can help Robina carve a path towards a future filled with hope, love, and newfound possibilities.

Let us rally together, for Robina’s story is not one of despair, but rather a testament to the indomitable human spirit and the power of compassion to sow the seeds of change.