” I got scammed R1900 for a job”- Good Samaritan helps a girl pay back her aunt

Nokuthanya thought she found a job, little did she know that she was going to get scammed. She was told to pay the money for the training. She borrowed the money from her aunt and paid. After paying, the people who promised to hire her after training disappeared. A good Samaritan from twitter sent her the money to pay back her aunt.


” I got scammed R1900 for a job. I borrowed my aunt’s stokvel money and I am supposed to pay it back with interest. I am beyond stressed and I cannot even sleep.” She cried.

”I also lost $32k from crypto. I got my funds back through a professional Blockchains expert on instagram who helped me got back my funds. They help resolve hacked wallet and stolen funds. You can contact him.” Said @Victoria.

“I would like to help you pay it. Please send me banking details.” Said @Somatekisi.