“I fought real life battles,” Lamiez Holworthy claims not to be shaken by cyber-bullying

has taken to her Twitter to share that she is not scared of what life has to offer.
The star stated that she is not shaken by social media bullying.

She said she has dealt with real life when she she was slammed for being darker than her family and asked if she was adopted.

“Story of my life. Not shaken by social media when I fought real life battles to get to where I am. NOTHING anyone says here can shake me when I’ve had to deal with real life verbal abuse 4 being darker than my family. Ke lesole baby…”
“From my mom having 2choose between having me or her family (because how dare she have a child with a kaf*** to being called the “maid’s child” asked if I’m adopted,told I’m too dark,too fat bla bla fucking bla! Nothing these losers say can break me now! I’ve fought way too hard”
Lameiz mentioned that she has fought hard to get to where she is today most especially embracing who she is.

The DJ said she is tired of seeing people hiding behind their keyboards creating fake accounts and dragging others.

“I’ve fought way too hard to get here. Way too hard to become who I am and to finally embrace it. So I’ll be damned if I allow a Bitter Betty to get to me. A coward behind a fake account? Cumaan!!!”

“Also,I miss the days when you could deal with a loud mouth in person… Now we’re stuck with cowards who hide behind their keyboards,free WiFi and fake accounts. *yawns*,” Lamiez said.
See tweet below: