“I can’t wait to win tonight” season 17 IdolsSA winner Berry claims

Does she have any famous song since she won?

Berry is season 17 IdolsSA winner. She has not stepped to the IdolsSA stage since she was announced as a winner. Berry has confirmed that she will be one of the performers on tonight’s show.




Her fans will get to see her perform again, she has been preparing for many days now. Since Berry won last year not even one song from her has topped the charts or trend like other music. What really happens to these IdolsSA winners, because we only see them the following year when they announce another winner.

IdolsSA better do something about it because all these winners are very talented. I suggest that IdolsSA to open a record label and sign their own winners. Will her fans be happy or she is about to sing a song that nobody knows about? Berry is very talented.