” I can’t believe I was married to a con artist. ” says Sello Maake ka-Ncube as divorce gets messy

Marriage is a beautiful union but it can get bitter sweet and messy when it results in divorce. Im sure you have all seen peaceful and messy divorces. Sello’s divorce happens to be one of the messy ones.

Sello Maake Ka-Ncube is an actor, entertainer, director, screenwriter and media personality. He was married to Palesa Mboweni for 8 months and now they are going through a very messy divorce.







He had an interview where he asked his ex wife where are his shares. He backed this interview up by adding on his instagram a snippet from the interview with a long caption. He started off by saying “I have very little regrets, but there are two women I wish I didn’t or have never met in my life. One is a Thandi Ngcobo who claimed I was her boyfriend! #Topic for another day! Then my ‘Ex-wife’!.”

He then went on a rant about the things he regrets. Starting it off by “I can not believe I was married to a con artist and you guys called me names when I realised my blunder and divorced her after 8 months! I’m not fighting this matter because I want to bash my ex wife, I want the truth to be known and maybe I can help the young men who may fall victim to women similar to my ex wife. For the record I must categorically and unequivocally state that I don’t think all women behave or do things that my ex wife did to me.”

He then warned people by saying “just be careful and do your independent character assessment before you commit to anyone.. The shares don’t even matter to me its a matter of principle, this marriage was flawed and based on falsehood to start of with, the misrepresentation by my ex wife is even too disgusting to mention all the things she did. I mean the woman tried to change her children’s surnames to my name without my knowledge and I wouldn’t have known if I didn’t over hear a telephonic conversation between her and her mother, then one of her children’s grandmother approached me, accusing me of using my ‘big name and public stature’ to try and demean them because they were poor, so I wanted to take their grandchild from them.”

The caption is a bit long so read the full thing here https://www.instagram.com/p/CaMonM6NCyD/?utm_medium=copy_link

I however think that divorce shouldn’t be this messy. I also noticed that he wants to get an annulment and i think that would be the best option right now because this divorce seems be getting worse.