“I Am Sorry”- Maponga Cries Out To Mzansi After Defending Makamu On Moja Love But He Gets Slammed

Maponga was one of the most respected men in South Africa as he always bashed fake prophets and apostles who use the bible to misuse young girls and some even head to bed with them.

Of all the pastors that have been on AmaBishop and they come up with all sorts of excuses to explain their inappropriate behaviour, Maponga always challenged them and refused to be fooled by them.

However, on the most recent episode of AmaBishop where Bishop Makamu was present to explain his side of the story regarding asking for intimacy from one of his congregants and making excuses that he was merely asking for keys, Maponga defended him saying that men of God have feelings too.

This did not sit well with AmaBishop viewers, who started losing respect for Maponga, with some saying that their wives and daughters are no longer safe in church if Maponga defends nonsense.

Some were left disappointed and pointed out that Maponga is defending Makamu mainly because they are friends, and they found it odd that he calls out other pastors when they misbehave but his friends.

After enduring insults and getting slammed by the public, Maponga has released a statement to profusely apologise for his Moja Love utterances. In his statement, he explains that he understands the damage that this has caused, especially in a country that is continuously dealing with the pandemic of Gender Based Violence.
Some of his fans have accepted his apology saying that no one is perfect and that it is human behaviour for everyone to stray from a righteous path. They have welcomed Maponga with open arms and are hoping that he has learned from his mistakes and will do better moving forward.
Sadly, although his fans have accepted his apology, many have told their once loved wise man that they have lost respect for him and that it will take a lot for him to regain that respect. They say that Maponga’s friendship with Makamu goes a long way back, and he is hypnotized or blinded when it comes to making a fair judgement when it comes to his friends.