How is Killer Kau’s girlfriend doing?.

well I’m sure most people have been asking themselves the question of how has killer Kau’s girlfriend been coping with her boyfriend gone?, although we won’t know how she’s doing we can only assume that she is slowly recovering and accepting the loss of her boyfriend.

Killer Kau and her girlfriend seemed to be very close, we can tell because their social media pictures just portrayed some of their happiest moments and surely this just makes it much harder for people to recover from the loss of the young artist.






Killer kau was loved by so many in the music industry and the entertainment industry. The loss of killer kau and mpura will leave a huge impact in the music industry in South Africa.

Getting back to killer Kau’s girlfriend, we can only hope now, that she actually recovers from her loss. Although she spoke a few weeks ago about how she felt about the loss, we can’t just assume that she’s fine now.