How do you hang out with someone who beat your man” Bontle recent pictures

Popular South African artist Bontle Jade-Lee Modiselle is well-known for her varied skills, which include acting, presenting on television and radio, dancing, choreographing, singing, and modeling. She rose to fame after starring in the dance movie “Watch Me Move,” for which she was nominated for a 2015 Africa Movie Academy Award for “Best Supporting Actress.”





Following her success in acting and dancing, Bontle made her television debut in 2016 as Rob van Vuuren’s co-host of the SABC 2 reality competition series franchise Showville. She presented an award at the South African Film And Television Awards that same year alongside her sisters.

The following year, it was revealed that Lawrence Maleka and Bontle will co-host the e.TV music program Club 808 in Boity’s place. In March 2018, the program stopped. The second season of the SABC 1 rap competition series One Mic, which debuted in February 2019, was likewise hosted by Bontle. Moreover, Bontle has choreographed a number of occasions and performances, such as the 2016 MAMAs and MTV Base’s Lip Sync Battle.

In 2009, Ricardo Moloi, aka Priddy Ugly, a hip-hop artist from South Africa, and Bontle Modiselle began dating. After becoming attracted to one another, the pair started dating. They stated on social media multiple times in August 2019 that they were expecting a daughter to be their first child. The couple wed the following month, on September 28, in a small, traditional African wedding that was only attended by their close friends and relatives. A short time after their marriage, Afrika Bonita Lerato Moloi, their daughter, was born.