Skeem Saam will have to go back to this story line at some point,so we could all find out how exactly Paxton managed to remove Mosebjadi’s envelope from the competition box.
The show revealed that Paxton had the envelope with him and his father found it in his school bag.
Mosebjadi said that she submitted the story and that Paxton was behind her when they were submitting. She also said that Lewatle was in front.
How did Paxton remove her entry?
Did he get help from Lewatle?
She helped him handcuff Mosebjadi to a desk once. Lewatle is under Paxton’s spell, she thinks they are in a relationship and she would do anything he says she must do.
If it’s not Lewatle then Paxton did it himself but how?
Fans of Skeem Saam have been going wild wondering how he did this?
What do you think happened? Please leave a comment below, I would like to know what your thoughts are.