House of Zwide: Ona is no longer the person everyone fell in love with

Ona is no longer the person everyone fell in love with

Ona’s attitude towards the whole situation has become a topic of conversation to many people. Viewers say Ona’s character is becoming boring. She is no longer the person everyone fell in love with.

Ona would be dead if Isaac didn’t save her from the fire. The little she can do is to be grateful that Isaac raised him like his own and gave her a life he possibly could. Her attitude towards Isaac is just unnecessary.









Some say Isaac should have left her burn in the fire. What she is doing to Isaac is totally unfair. Isaac was wrong by helping Faith but he raised, loved and protected her with everything he had. What Isaac did was out of love.

Some say they no longer like her because she is bullying everyone around her. She even disrespect Rea who raised her like her own daughter. She wants to control everyone.

Some say Ona looked up to Funani before she discovered that they are related. All of a sudden she hates her. She should be happy that the person she looked up to is her father. After all Funani is a good man.

While some say Ona’s behaviour is understandable because she was lied to her whole life. Her behaviour is justified.