Herman Mashaba spent R12.5m for Mashele to write about himself and now Phalatse’s husband wants more

It has emerged that Mashaba undertook to pay R12.5m to Rince Mashele, a researcher and political analyst to fund the research of the unauthorised biography book on Mashaba, in a secret arrangement they reached in 2019.


Prince Mashele insourced the service of his friend Brutus Malada, a Senior researcher and consultant and member of ActionSA, the husband of Mpho Phalatse. Brutus Malada worked with Mashele on the book and was paid R3 million and now he is accusing the author of “duping” the public by not disclosing to publisher Jonathan Ball and the nation that Mashaba funded the book, titled The Outsider: The Unauthorised Biography of Herman Mashaba.

Mashele and Malada used to be members of the Midrand Group. The Midrand Group around 2013 and the duo were directors of Great Potential for South Africa. Malada worked for the City of Johannesburg under the DA run by Herman Mashaba. Which means when Mashaba left DA, he was one of the DA people who left with him. Malada became an important member of ActionSA because of his strong background in DA led. But his relationship collapsed after marrying Mpho Phalatse who influenced him to go after his friend prince Mashele pertaining R3 million that was paid to him for him write the book and Malada and Mashele unfriended each other. Malada has written to the publishers, informing them of the agreement and alerting them to Mashele’s failure to acknowledge his contribution. He asked the publishers to recall the book and make corrections.

After raising his concerns with

Jonathan Ball Pub, Brutus Malada said Prince Mashele slapped him with a cease and desist letter from Werksmans Attorneys.