Here Is How Much It Costed To Book Black Coffee For A Gig 17 Years Ago.

People were debating in the comments section after seeing a throwback of how much Black Coffee’s live performance used to cost back in the day and how much it cost to watch Coffe back then.

As we can see in the post below, it is about a concert that took place 17 years ago. At the time, Black Coffee did not have the same status and reputation as he does now, which means he was not as well-known or wealthy. However, the price it cost to book him at the time shocked people.


Black Coffee was booked for R10 in 2009, as shown in the post below, but today he is a well-known international DJ and businessman who commands booking fees of more than $1 million.

Additionally, this piece serves as a reminder to any aspiring artists that while it may take some time to discover your artistic voice, you should never give up.