Here are some beautiful pictures of Benni MaCarthy and his lovely family

Former South African footballer Benni McCarthy is now the head coach of Amazulu Football Club in Durban.. The former FC Porto and Black Consume Rovers striker recently worked with Cape Town-based Cape City Football Club as a coach.

Because to Benni McCarthy’s poor performance at The Residents over the course of two years, the club issued him with a leave of absence. In any case, the mentor’s confidence was unaffected by the fact that he was able to get a new job a year later.














As a result of Ayanda Dlamini’s decision to leave the club’s senior group, Amazulu Football Club decided to anoint the 43-year-old as the club’s new captain.

Benni McCarthy has been the Premier Soccer League’s greatest mentor since taking over the Durban side. He and his team are currently sixth in the standings, and they have a good chance of competing in the MTN Cup next season. Review Benni McCarthy’s images: