Helpers of Destiny: How to meet and lose them

In the journey of life, no one is left without help because no man is supposed to journey through life alone. There are people that have been placed in different strategic junctions of destiny that are meant to furnish with resources of help.




These are the people, Pastor Dele Olawanler refers to as destiny helpers or helpers of destiny. They are also known as purpose builders.

However, there is a catch to the way destiny helpers function. Therefore, if a person lacks understanding of the working of a helper he or she may miss his or her help. St other times, one may see and meet with ones helper but may fail to receive the right resources of help that God has placed in the hands of that person.

According to the UK-based Pastor, destiny helpers are not necessarily sent to solve people’s financial problems. If all you expects from a man is money, you probsbly have missed the point of the purpose of that person in your life.

Why is this so? Pastor Dele Olawanle answers; as powerful as it is, money cannot solve the problem of ignorance. Money cannot solve the problem of indiscipline. Money cannot solve the problem of laziness. Money cannot solve the problem of generational curses. Money cannot solve the problems of lack of vision and ideas.

There are things that are more important and potent to change a man’s life than money. Pastor Olawanle gives example of the power of idea.

“Ideas rule the world not money”, said the pastor.

Therefore, not all helpers will come to you to help carrying bags of money rather when we talk of helpers of destiny, you need to know that they are sent to you for different purposes.

For instance, we find in the Bible that Peter got the anointing through moving with Jesus. Jesus was Peter’s helper but he didnt give him money but he taught him how to fish.; to succeed in his business. Joseph grew by managing his master’s property.

In the case of Esther succeeded by taking instructions from a helper who is her uncle Mordecai. Elisha got the double portion of Elijah’s anointing by serving him.

Some helpers are to pray for you and things will happen which is why I set up my global prayer partnership to help the rich and the poor.

Some will teach you. Some will guide you. Some will coach you. Some will fight for you and some will grant you access. By just moving with them, you will become wiser and become a winner. Some will help your page to grow on social media and some will help your ministry to grow.

Some may help you to stabilize your emotion. Identify why that helper is in your life. If money is just what you are looking for in a helper of destiny, you may miss destiny.