Hector and Vee Are Brought Closer By Their Baby’s Fight To Live While Harriet Is Dead With Jealousy.

Hector and Vuyiswa were brought together by having one thing in common which is the love for their job at the police force. It is clear the former shared no connection compared to what he and Harriet have but that is about to change because of the baby we all have been waiting for.

The birth of this baby is very special to Vuyiswa and she has been trying for so long to have a baby. Her dream of becoming a mother has finally come true. Vuyiswa found out about her pregnancy during a very rough time in her marriage with Hector and them ending up getting a divorce to Hector marrying her biggest enemy Harriet.

Vuyiswa ended the marriage when she found Hecro and Harriet kissing in his office. Soon after, the new couple decided to get married but it was not an easy one because it got rough before it was nice and sweet between the two.

Hector Sebata came to The Queen for revenge and end the Khoza family starting with Harriet but that did not happen because Jerry took her bullet and got himself killed. One of many reasons why Vee hates Harry. Mr Sebata did not end there to hurt Harriet, he took another chance to get to her but he got her daughter, Kea, instead.






Harriet did not let this go when she also decided to end Hector’s youngest daughter and causing even more hate between the two families. Soon after the killings and plotting against each other they started to meet in secret places and confessing their love for each other while Vee is trying to save what is left of her marriage.

Now that Vee’s precious gift is here, there is a bit of a distance between Harry and Hector Sebata. The baby will be born with some difficulty but will recover soon after and go home with his parents. Harriet will of course be jealous about the new bonding between Vee and Hector. Read teasers below: