Heartbreaking: AKA’s Daughter And Family Breaks To Tears During The Emotional Memorial Service

Staying alive and keeping yourself and your family safe in South Africa is a literally a mission which is difficult to accompolish, we are living in the days where if you leave your home and come back to see your loved ones is one of the most difficult things ever, people are killed every now and then and this is all because there are so many guns in the hands of people who are trigger happy and would not hesitate to shot and kill someone whom they have targeted just like it was the case with the award winning rapper Kiernan Forbes who was shot and killed in Durban last Saturday.







Forbers who was famously known as AKA to his fans and all those who followed his music was tragically shot and killed by an unknown assassin who ambushed him after he just got out of the restaurant where he was having a good time with his friends, till this day, it remains a mystery as to who it is that was seen on the CCTV footage but the South African Police Services have committed in doing whatever they can to find the killers and bring them to book.

AKA’s friends and family together with his colleagues in the music industry has gathered in Sandton for his memorial service where his life is being celebrated, some of his family members could not hold back tears as they remembered how the talented musician was gunned down, the memories they have of him, how he left then untimely without saying his goodbyes.

His daughter Cairo was seen on the footage embracing his father’s girlfriend Nadia just before the memorial service kicked off, she hugged and missed her as she was crying, from there she went on to hug her grand mother and grand father before thaling her sit on the front row, she looked brave, but you could see the pain deep in her eyes.

The the thought of having to live her whole life without her father’s love was too much, the whole family was shattered and just by looking at their facial expressions, you could see that they are going through so much pain, everyone was sad as Langa Mavuso sang some worshiping songs as part of the memorial, it was a very emotional affairs as the program rolled after another musician Kabelo Mabalene opened the services with a word of prayer and shared a short word of God.