Heartbreaking 💔: AKA’s daughter Kairo sending love to his now late dad.

The face of a little girl who must live with the fact that her father will not come back to hug her, protect her, make her laugh or wipe her tears away. As musician Kabelo was giving a prayer and asked the audience to say the prayer with him, Kairo started crying. My heart broke over & over again. I can see that this child is being raised by a strong mother, Zinhle.






But no matter how strong we are, we are only human. Thank you to Zinhle for allowing Kairo the best moments with her father. I’m sure she is also broken but trying to be strong for her daughter. Tony Forbes has been the strongest he can be and I know he wants to bury his son with dignity. Even with all the cameras around, even after seeing the horrible video of his son being assassinated, even with no answers or arrests, he is so calm & strong.

Let us also pray for him as the head of the house who needs to be strong for his wife and family. God knows how he is hurting inside. His wife, Lynn, AKA’s mother, is completely broken. She said very few words last night with tears in her eyes. She thanked everyone for their support and she appealed to the youth to “please vote.” She did not say much else because she was very emotional …but we all understand what she means by that statement. We deserve so much better from our government. People are killed everyday in this country. Brutal senseless murders and it’s only getting worse. Aka deserved better. We deserve better. Our children deserve better.

I think this death hit us all very hard not only because of its brutal nature but the video made us understand that within mere seconds, you can be gone.

It was cold, vicious and ungodly. People have lost respect for one another in this country. A life means nothing anymore. All of us can identify with Tony, Lynn, Zinhle, Nadia and especially Kairo. These are real people going through a very real thing. We need God and we need prayer in South Africa. Think about the countless other children like Kairo who lost their daddies and mommies. Think about the senseless killings of our children, everyday in South Africa. They deserve better. She deserved better. God is watching and waiting for us to do better, to be better and to live better. Sometimes it takes a very bad thing to bring out the good in us. To bring us to our knees & be humble before the eyes of the Lord. I am not ashamed of God.