He said Dr. Nandipha is taking everyone to the High Court, and this is how people reacted.

Dr. Nandipha will be bringing everyone to the High Court, according to a tweet from a user going by the handle Man’s Not. The Free State NPA is the first respondent, followed by the Police Minister as the second, Captain Fryman as the third, the Presiding Magistrate as the fourth, and the Bizzah Makhate Prison Boss as the fifth. His tweet went viral, causing a commotion on social media, and many people responded to what he wrote and said in a variety of ways.





They claimed that because the primary respondent was not present, the third application would be rejected. They said that Home Affairs was in charge of that mission, so the VNPA and SAPS are unable to respond to any questions about the return of aliens, their expulsion, or their extradition, whether they are citizens or not. Sandile said that she had received this advice. He said that her legal team is up to something and is aware that their first port of call is home affairs.

They threatened to kill her and her rapist boyfriend because she was getting out of control rather than cooperating, taking a lesser punishment, receiving parole after six years, and being reunited with her helpless children.