He is aging like a raisin people are mean see as they make fun of Sdumo after what they noticed

Sdumo Mtshali is a South African Born 1983 his passion for acting started at an early age. Beginning from theatre, he was able to venture into acting and build a successful acting career. His success was propelled by winning the first season of the SABC1 reality competition Class Act in 2010. Ever since Sdumo got his first acting role, he has kept on wowing audiences with his incredible performances. A lot of people know him from Isibaya where he was playing the Sibusiso character as Thandeka’s Aka Nomzamo Mbatha’s husband.








People on social media will jump at any chance of making fun of people especially celebrities. There’s something people don’t understand that As people we are not the same, as people we age differently we are not the same therefore we can’t expect people to be young forever people grow up, and them growing up it means they will change. But knowing people on social media they expect people to be perfect and Young forever knowing very well that it it impossible.

Like now people are making fun of Sdumo Mtshali. Sdumo Mtshali’ s picture was shared on social media by Musa Khawula with the caption Sdumo Mtshali at the Justice Served premiere. But people noticed something about Sdumo that got people dragging him saying all the mean thing.

People started saying that he looks old his aging like a raisin, someone even wrote that alcohol, drugs and s*x does this to people, does Sdumo Mtshali do drugs I guess they are not sure but they are just making allegations as usual.

Though some people were dragging him saying all these mean things some people were not saying the same things as we know that it’s not everyone that’s going to hate you and say mean things about someone, some people were saying there’s nothing wrong with him but they love him his one of the best actor in Mzansi.

Being a celebrity it’s hard because people will say what they want to say about you and some people can’t fight back because they are scared that they will lose followers and they will be called bullies.

The painful thing is that when it comes to comments you can’t stop people from saying what they want, and some of these people will not like it if some of the mean things they are saying to people where said to them. Social media is toxic and they don’t care about other people’s feelings but only themselves.