Have You Seen Vusi Nova’s Newest Look? New Hair And New Beard I Tell You. See Photos Below

At this point we are convinced that vusi nova does not want to see us quiet. It is like he always wants people to say something about him because what is this chile?

Not so long ago, the Thandiwe hit maker was making it to trends list week in and week out. He was trending not because of his music, but he was trending because of the way he drastically changed his look. Vusi nova went from being bald to having a full on wig over night. As usual, people were really bashing him because they were really not feeling the new look.





Just when we were getting used to that wig look, Vusi has debuted another new look again, completely different from the previous one. His has a full on beard now, he has also ventured into putting on a nail polish.

What do you guys think of this new look by Vusi nova? Do you think it suits him or he should just rest?. Please so leave a comment