However, it is unfortunate that while many have actors that they love to watch, some do not know these Uzalo actors’ real names and their ages. So, we present to you uzalo actors with their real names and their ages arranged from the old to young.“Wangitshela ukuthi uma ngiqeda isikole kumele ngihambe ngiyokwenza izifundo
ngingayeki ngoba ngizoya kude naleli thalente lami. Ilapho engaqala khona ukuthi ngibe nako ukuzethemba nami kuze kube ngiyahamba ngiyokwenza izifundo zokulingisa e-Durban University of Technology,” kubeka yena.
Uthe ngemuva kokuba eqede izifundo zakhe into ekade egxile kuyona kakhulu bekuwumdlalo weshashalazi (theatre) kwaze kwaba uthola ithuba lokuba adlale emdlalweni kamabonakude i-Intersextions.