Muzi Mthabela is a renowned South African actor stealing the hearts of Imbewu viewers as he plays the ravishing Menzi. His egress from Isibaya catches fans on the hop but all is in favour for Imbewu viewers as he joins the intriguing drama series.
As we religiously watch him on our smallβscreens it is his flair that captivates the eye. Having punched above his weight and battled alcoholism, he continues to serve inspiration to youngsters. Muzi Mthabela Biography (Age, Wife, Children, Net worth, Alcohol
Addiction, Imbewu).How does Muzi Mthabelaβs acting career start
His dreamy eyes would have easily made his sermons a delight to congregants. Unfortunately his dream to become a Catholic priest is set aside when he decides to join show business.After graduating in 1999 he relocates to Johannesburg in search of greener pastures. Muziβs unmatched flair lands him quite a number of television roles and he has never stopped wowing us from the day he steps into the spotlight.
Proving he has a knack for the arts, the actor ventures into editing. This sees him working on the following shows: