Hangwani from Muvhango beautiful pictures in real life, see photos

Connie Sibiya is a South African Actress and Bishop. Her full names is Constance Siphesihle Sibiya who famously as Vho-Hangwani Mukwevho from SABC 2 soap opera Muvhango. She was born in Limpopo on 17 November 1967 as of 2021 she’s 53 years old. In her personal life she’s a mother and a wife. She’s married with Dr. Abraham Sibiya who is a archbishop of the African region at Saint Athanasius of Alexandria and have 5 childrens. Connie is a Christianity Ministry position. She was elected as the bishop of Communion of Episcopal & Apostolic Churches International in 2020.









Connie Sibiya studied at Tshiemuemu Secondary School in Thohoyandou after she finished her matric, after matric she Technicon RSA to study Library and Information Science.

You may only know Connie only in Muvhango, Check out her beautiful pictures in real life. How beautiful she is see her exquisite photos. Connie is every Muvhango fan favorite.