Halala class of 2019! Congratulations and encouraging words flood Twitter as #MatricResults trends

The IEB matric results were released at midnight on Monday.

The wait is over for former Independent Examination Board (IEB) pupils. They received their Grade 12 results at midnight on Monday.

Twitter has been flooded with reactions from young achievers, who shared their impressive results.

The IEB’s class of 2019 recorded a 98.82% pass rate. Of this, 89.51% received bachelor’s passes, which allows them to study towards a degree, 7.91% qualified for entry towards diploma studies and 1.4% achieved entry for study at a

ongratulating the former pupils, tweeps gave tips on how to navigate through the university registration process, with some dishing out words of advice for those who did not get the results they had anticipated.

Here’s a glimpse into the reactions:

Proud achievers Never encourage your kids to aim for 30% “pass”. You are not doing them a favour in this brutally competitive cut throat world of employment. And you are the one who’s going to sit at home with a jobless unemployable child. Strive for excellence to the best of your ability