Gomora: Zodwa’s downward spiral should end with kicking Sbongile out

This week on Gomora the lesson seemed to be that your actions will follow you until it’s time to reap your rotten fruits. Sbongile is reaping and it long overdue in my opinion
She finally came clean to Zodwa about everything she did

Zodwa had been going downhill since that first drink on New Year’s Eve. That’s how it works with alcoholism. One drink and you destroy all your progress that you made with your life. Its a devastating blow for someone who had cleaned up her act like that and was living a different life.

Sbongile deserves to be punished
I don’t know how many people know what life in the townships is like but there are always the local drunks. The ones who are always intoxicated and no one knows how they’re still alive. They rarely get their lives together but Zodwa did it. She was inspired by her love for her son and fought for sobriety. Now she has to start all over again because of Sbongile.

It was harrowing to watch her make that confession to keep Zodwa from leaving the house to drink. It was sudden and probably prompted by growing guilt. She told her everything she’d done since Don was killed and it made a shocked Zodwa have to sit back down again to get her bearing right.

The only resolution here is to kick Sbongile out. I know that it won’t fix things nor erase everything she’d done but it is still the better option in my opinion. She deserved to be punished for acting with such malice. It is petty but it neccessary.

Personal Thoughts
Sbongile has been a thorn on my side for the longest time. They way she carried herself at first like she was better than everyone only to mellow out and become a manipulative person? It’s sickening. I don’t enjoy her character at all and I’m hoping they’ll redeem her through this arc. I really hope Zodwa turns this thing around. She need to be sober again.