Gomora: The walls are closing in for Mazet

If you are wondering what is going to Mazet in Gomora,then you are in luck cause this what going to happen. Masonto will find out that Mazet is the one who killed her husband Bra Mike. London will spill the beans,after they force it out on him. Nthati and MaSonto will force the truth out of London.Content created and supplied by: MUSCADOMESTICUS

Mazet will attempt to run away and skip the country,but is she going to get caught or is she going to blame it all on Ntokozo? We all know that MaSonto does not joke around,Mazet knows her better,she should have told MaSonto the truth from the beginning. But after what she has done,she is a goner. MaSonto trusted Mazet with her life,she knows her dirty secrets. But in my opinion I think that Mazet will make heavy threats,she will probably threaten to reveal all of MaSonto’s secrets,which they were in on them together,so it is going to be hard. But let’s find out more on Gomora,is MaSonto going to kill Mazet or will Mazet run for her life?