GogoSkhotheni: Tumi Claims That Her Muthi Is Strong, See This

There have been a lot of these reality shows about traditional healers, but somehow there is always a disconnect between them and the viewers.

And maybe this is mostly because some people tend to feel like they are being taken for a ride when they genuinely wanted to educate themselves about traditional healing as a practice.


And the unfortunate thing is that there is a show like GogoSkhotheni that has influenced the thinking of some people who now see the whole thing as totally bogus.

As we know, Tumi is required to have two husbands and this is what her “male ancestor”, wanted from her.

The male ancestor is usually referred to as Skhotheni and Tumi has mentioned that she does not really have a say in some things, she usually does what the ancestor wants.

And who knows what will happen months down the line, she managed to get her husband and boyfriend to agree with her way of living.

It seems like the two men are just there to support Tumi discover herself and there have been complaints about how she is treating the men, especially Monde.

Unfortunately, it might be hard for them to leave at this point and this is because Tumi mentioned on the latest episode that she had used some herb to get what she wants.

And this is what a lot of people refer to as bewitchment, the traditional healer believes that her muthi is strong and this could mean that it cannot be excreted once she uses it on you.

Viewers mentioned that this is just too much because it is more like she is promoting witchcraft and she probably does not even care about what people think.

A lot of viewers actually had hope in the show and they would mention that this was its first season, so things are bound to get better.

And maybe for Tumi, it is all about maintaining what she started, she is seen as this bad traditional healer who wants things done in her way.

But, she does not seem to mind what people say as long as she is getting her way. What do you think about this? Please share your thoughts