Gogo Skhotheni has left her fans stitched after she shows off her new face. Gogo Skhotheni have recently taken to her social media page where she posted her pictures before and after. Gogo Skhotheni has become a role model lately and everyone is now gushing over her new look.
Patricia Tumi Motsoeneng is a South African businesswoman popular, known by her stage name Gogo Skhotheni. The name Tumi is not new in the entertainment industry. The media personality rose to fame when she appeared in the reality TV show called “Gogo Skhotheni “. In all social media platforms, Tumi called herself Gogo Skhotheni.
Gogo Skhotheni us a South Africa media personality, a businesswoman, a traditional healer and a consultant. Gogo Skhotheni has been trending in the past few days. She has been seen sharing her latest pictures after weight loss. The reality tv star has been showing her new look and the tea she is using that help her with weight loss.
In one of her recent picture, she shared a picture of herself in a scale. She revealed that before weight loss she was at 107 kg, and now she is at 97.4 kg. In another picture, she revealed that she is manufacturing a tea that help pregnant woman to lose their weight fast. She said that the tea is meant for those who want to lose weight and the bellybutton.
According to the sources in social media, Gogo Skhotheni is a South African spiritual teacher. She has recently revealed in her social media that she is the founder and of her Gogo Skhotheni cosmetics. She is an African spiritual teacher. Founder & CEO of @gogo_skhotheni_cosmetics. Her business deals with face wash soap, tea MD other traditional medicine.