Gogo Maweni sends strong warning to women

Gogo Maweni is once again in the spotlight flaunting her abilities ,her abilitiesto make other people’s lives a living hell that is.Just a few months ago she was trending on social media for allegedly bewitching the father of one of her children SK Khoza . The isibaya star went stark mad and was seen in different places including a petrol store barefoot pacing up and down , fighting and cursing at another man.






Now why was Gogo Maweni implicated you must be wondering well she posted a story on Instagram saying that if her children don’t eat no one eats and that she will not run after any of her baby daddies forcing them to maintain their children. She further said that issues like these are dealth with in her ndumba , she’s going to solve this problem in her ndumba . A ndumba is a little cottage in which traditional healers work , like a doctor’s office or the court room for a lawyer.

If you have no clue who Gogo Maweni is ,She is a renowned South African doctor, consultant, social media influencer, entrepreneur and television personality from Sandton, Gauteng. She has confessed to practicing witchcraft in both her Instagram stories and reality show izangoma zodumo on showmax.She does it all from consultations to initiating other traditional healers though I’m not sure traditional healer is the right term for her.

Many people on twitter came out in light of the so Khoza saga to express their disapproval in what she was doing for many reasons including that she was tainting the reputation of all other healers especially because she’s well known.People go to traditional healers to get help for ancestral things and ailments modern doctors cannot cure.

She painted traditional healing in a bad light with the SK Khoza thing and proved the stereotype surrounding traditional healers right . She has done it again.She posted an Instagram story 2 days ago technically warning women to stay away from her man. She says everyone knows her and they know who her man is so any woman who gets involved with him would just be disrespecting her and quite frankly asking for trouble.

I don’t think she understands how big the world is ,how big South Africa is because if she did she wouldn’t be sitting where she is now ,on her high horse believing that everyone knows her and her man.She goes on to say that she will not fight any woman who gets involved with her man (I’m starting to think she has a title deed or something for this poor man😂) because she doesn’t have time to physically fight them so she’s going to deal with them at 00:00 in her ndumba.All she needs is the name , surname and picture and social media had made has made it easy to find those things.She has promised a lunch bar face for the lucky lady ,a lunch bar face is a face full of pimples so whatever she’s going to do is going to involve a total breakout.scary stuff!

She could just deal with her man to stop him from cheating because he’s clearly the problem and by the looks of things women need to familiarise themselves with this man to be on the safe side . Wonders shall never end.