Gogo Maweni reveals when her husband dies, she will turn him to Umkhovu (Tikoloshe)

Whilst the country is still shocked at Gogo Maweni unorthodoxed style of being a traditional healer, being a baby mama to Sk Khoza and Siyabonga Zulu, and known of her string rampage social media posts and video’s threatening to perform witchcraft to everyone who tries to bully her or take her husband; it seems she has more surprises for the country as she let us in inside of her marriage.

Maweni revealed to the Pope of Pope Culture, Musa Khawula, that she will turn her husband, Sabelo Mgube, to be Umkhovu (Tikoloshe) should he die first, and the same applies for her, should she die first.




Gossip blogger Musa Khawula. Picture: Screenshot.

Maweni explained to the Pope of Pop Culture, Musa Khawula, that according to the marriage contract that she entered with her husband, they have given each other rights to make her husband to her into Umkhovu for her soul to keep working even after death.

This statement raised eyebrows for Musa Khawula, he asked even asked about the legality of having such a clause in the contract. Of which, she didn’t divulge how did her lawyer draw up such a contract.

“He’s hard-working, I’m hard-working, together we are a team. When one is gone, our kids can not suffer.

At this point in time, I felt it [the contract] needed to be a contract for the both of us … Umkhovu means working in the after life”, Maweni confessed.

Maweni revealed that she has the power of helping her clients to heal, and has powers vested in her to perform witchcraft (with the permission of the person’s ancestor) including, and not limited of initiating new sangomas, and she has powers return back to sender, among others.