Gogo Maweni has left her fans talking in social media after she posted a video of herself while she was at Durban July. For the first time we get to see Gogo Maweni looking so beautiful and gorgeous. Gogo Maweni has been sowing her figure ever since she decided to join a gym. The young sangoma no longer want to remain fat and chubby, but want to b fit with gorgeous body goal.
Gogo Maweni who is a sangoma recently took it to her social media where she posted videos of herself mzansi could not gush her look. Gogo Maweni left her fans talking after seeing the dress she was wearing which leaves piece in things.
The name Maweni is not new in the entertainment industry. Maweni who is now called a Doctor is none other than the ex-girlfriend of The Queen actor SK Khoza popular known by his stage name Shaka Khoza. She has now become famous and she cannot pass a day before posting a video of her work.
Gogo Maweni Is one 8f few media personality who is now trending each day. She is making headlines since she has become open about her spiritual gift of calling of being a sangoma. Not long ago she was trending after she was spotted living with snakes and pets in her house. She is proud of who she is and she no longer hide about bring a sangoma an practicing a witchcraft.
Many of her followers has been sending emoji in her comment box. No many how much the media try to take her down, but her fans still remain faithful in her all the time.