Gigi Lamayne reveal reason why many men commit suicide

Gigi South Africa female rapper on a podcast and chill, this platform was made for people to speak out and voice out their thoughts and yesterday the show was hosting one of the biggest female SA rappers Gigi.

The topics were many but there’s one which she responded to effectively on the reason many men commit suicide, countless young men and old men have decided to end their lives. Due to depression and the difficulties or challenges the society puts on men.

According to Gigi, the easiest way to get a man is to lie against him, say that he assaulted you or raped you as a woman.

It’s all over for him and this is how hard it is for a man. He has to provide for his woman and child but to destroy them, it takes one lie to end them.

She doesn’t believe that men have gone soft, but it has become supper hard for them, and keeping up is really hard.

She spoke effectively and well on this term, and she was honest about how difficult it has become for men.

Most men fall into depression with no one to turn to, and they end up taking their life. However, a 50/50 rule, should not apply in your home. Respect your man and when he tries so hard, respect and love him.

It has become difficult for men, and that is the truth out of it, all. Women expect a lot from their men but careless about their well-being.

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