Asande Dubazana, an upcoming actor, made his acting debut in the second season of Durban Gen, playing Bafana Cele. Even though it isn’t on national television, the actor has some experience as an actor despite being a young and fresh face on television. We find out who Asande Dubazana, who plays Bafana in Durban Gen, is and what he does in this article.
In Durban Gen, Asande Dubazana portrays Bafana Cele. At the start of the second season’s extension, fans were introduced to new actors and talents. The show moved to five years after the harrowing second season finale, in which Dr. Dhlomo’s death marked the conclusion. While some of the cast members have returned to reprise their roles, some have left.
Asande Dubazana, who took Sihle’s place, joined the cast as a paramedic with Thembinator Bafana Cele. He, like the other paramedics before him, is a young man who talks a lot, is funny, and likes to show his funny side. Phumeza, his wife, is now the Matron, so he has been making fun of Thulani, whom he claims has been reduced to a woman. While making excuses for his wife’s behavior, Thulani does not take Bafana’s teasing lightly and warns him to mind his own business.
The academic credentials of Asande Dubazana In real life, the actor who plays Bafana is quickly becoming a crush on young girls due to his attractive appearance. He is an extremely qualified candidate for the entertainment industry, despite being a young entertainer who is still establishing himself in the public eye. Asande Dubazana holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Motion Picture from the AFDA and is an actor and cinematographer by trade.
Asande Dubazana is an actor, caregiver, and entrepreneur. His role in Durban Gen is his first role in television, and it’s hoped that it will be the first of many. However, because he has been performing skits for a while under the Emzini Wensini production company, he is a familiar face on the internet. For his performances, he has collaborated with other Tik Tok stars like Rich Makoti. In addition, he owns Numero Uno Photography, where he provides event photography services for hire.